Today we are celebrating World Bicycle Day. The day, officially established by the United Nations on April 12, 2018, is meant to be a date to celebrate and promote the social benefits of this mode of transportation: bicycles are easy to maintain, reliable, healthy, and environmentally friendly. The resolution signed by all 193 member states recalls the longevity and versatility of bicycles, which have been used as a means of transportation for more than 2 centuries.
Cycling and active mobility are among the recipes that cities and states can introduce to achieve the sustainable development goals set out in the UN 2030 Agenda. The use of bicycles helps to publicise the importance of physical education, especially among children and young people. Regular moderate-intensity activity, as walking or cycling may be, does indeed have a positive impact on your body and health. Cycling is not only healthy, it is also equitable, economical and sustainable.
The Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation (FIAB) has chosen to celebrate this annual event by focusing all its initiatives around Italy on bike to school. In fact, for months FIAB and the Italian Society of Paediatrics have been repeating the importance of this good practice, not only because cycling makes cities and areas near schools safer and more liveable, but more importantly because, in an age when there is so much talk about health and prevention, cycling is an important daily habit. All initiatives scheduled for World Bike Day will be uploaded and visible on the website, where you can search for a bicycle ride or event you can take part in. We invite all our members who will take part in the various initiatives to share their favourite moments on social media.