Tundra and climate change

Steel mill

Steel mill

Navigation in the fjords

Navigation in the fjords

Melting of the ice

Melting of the ice



Tundra summer landscape

Tundra summer landscape

Melting glacier

Melting glacier

Summer landscape in the tundra

Summer landscape in the tundra

Small iceberg

Small iceberg

The tundra is an ecosystem substantially formed by frozen swamps and low biodiversity in terms of vegetation. However, it is one of the most sensitive habitats in the world, in fact, some scientists believe that global warming caused by the greenhouse effect can devastate the Arctic regions, including the tundra found within them. One third of the carbon present on the earth's soil is found in the permafrost of the tundra and therefore, when the frozen soil begins to melt, the organic content begins to decompose, releasing carbon dioxide into the air which increases the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Additionally, permafrost melting could affect plant and animal species living in the tundra.