Let's defend the barrier

Dried sea stars

Dried sea stars

Stelle di mare essiccate

Trash on the seabed

Trash on the seabed

Spazzatura sul fondale

Turtle eats a bag

Turtle eats a bag

Tartaruga mangia un sacchetto

Abandoned fishing nets

Abandoned fishing nets

Reti da pesca abbandonate

Ghost fishing nets

Ghost fishing nets

Reti da pesca fantasma

Bottles on the seabed

Bottles on the seabed

Bottiglie sul fondale

Forbidden souvenirs

Forbidden souvenirs

Souvenir proibiti

Coral bleaching

Coral bleaching

Sbiancamento dei coralli

Everyone’s proper behaviour is the first step for the protection of any ecosystem, but this must necessarily be followed by political efforts world-wide. 60% of the world’s reefs have been classed as “at risk” by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). Among the main causes of the destruction of corals are climate change, the over-exploitation of fishing, tourist developments and a massive use of fertilisers.