Energy from the Sun

Solar thermal panel

Solar thermal panel

Photovoltaic on the roof of a house

Photovoltaic on the roof of a house

Solar tower

Solar tower

Linear parabolic mirrors

Linear parabolic mirrors

Circular parabolic mirrors

Circular parabolic mirrors

Diagram of a linear parabolic mirror

Diagram of a linear parabolic mirror

Diagram of a solar tower

Diagram of a solar tower

Solar power plant

Solar power plant

Passive solar systems use solar energy directly, as happens for example in greenhouses, glass structures that allow the Sun to enter, but do not let the heat escape. In the active solar systems instead, solar energy is collected and transformed into thermal or electric energy before it is utilized. This type of system includes solar thermal power systems, solar concentrator systems used for the production of thermal energy and solar photovoltaic panels for the production of electric energy. The best technologies also enable the cogeneration of different types of energy, and it is possible to accumulate thermal energy in many ways and for different uses.