World Habitat Day

03 October 2022
1 min read
03 October 2022
1 min read

World Days are celebrations that take place every year, are proposed by associations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and approved by the United Nations (UN). Each World Day is designed to raise awareness among citizens and institutions on certain issues that relate to the environment, society, culture, civil rights. The first Monday in October has been designated by the United Nations as International Habitat Day, meaning the “home” of living beings. Indeed, the word habitat derives from Latin and means “he inhabits”, indicating a place that has the right characteristics for a species to live, develop and reproduce: a home to be protected and guarded because it is also the home of mankind.
Established in 1985 by the UN General Assembly through Resolution 40/202, it was first celebrated in 1986 in Nairobi, Kenya, with the theme “Shelter is my right”. This year’s theme is: “Mind the Gap- Leave No One and Place Behind”, to reflect on the increasing inequality in living conditions worldwide.