Launch of the new energy label

25 February 2021
1 min read
25 February 2021
1 min read

The new energy label will come into force as from 1 March 2021: it will include some changes required to solve some previous critical issues. The energy efficiency of products has continued to improve over the years, so more and more goods have occupied the higher classes of the labelling scheme, leaving the lower levels virtually empty. A consumer survey showed that the higher classes (A+, A++ and A+++) were confusing to shoppers because they were too similar to each other. To solve this problem, the EU has decided to change the label: all classes including the “+” symbol will disappear and make way for a scale from A (most efficient products) to G (least efficient products). The switch from the old to the new label will take place permanently from 1 March 2021 for refrigerators and freezers, including domestic wine coolers, washing machines and washer-dryers, dishwashers, TVs and monitors, and from 1 September 2021 for light sources. The new labels also feature revamped graphics that include a QRcode for access to additional product information using a smartphone.


Credits: Altroconsumo

There will also be new criteria for indicating energy consumption. For example, the energy consumption for washing machines is based on annual usage in the old scale, whereas the calculation for the new label is based on 100 washing cycles. The energy consumption formula has also changed for televisions, to better take into account the power consumed by internal components, and not just the screen. After 1 March 2021, retailers will have 14 business days to replace the old energy label on all rescaled products in physical and online stores, as well as in marketing materials.