The cycle of life

Spider predation

Spider predation

European frog and eggs

European frog and eggs

Aquila catches a fish

Aquila catches a fish

Spider with brood on the abdomen

Spider with brood on the abdomen

Koala with cub

Koala with cub

Metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly

Metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly

Lynx with cub

Lynx with cub

Brood of swallows

Brood of swallows

All organisms provide themselves with food and water, often they manage to avoid being eaten by other organisms, they reproduce themselves (they follow courtship and mating rituals) and finally they take care of their offspring. All these activities are very important for animals’ survival and for species success. Behaviour characteristics are subject to evolution: normally the behaviour varies among single individuals, and behaviours are more advantageous than others. Some variations are determined by genes, and the most successful ones will be predominant.