Many caves

Lava cave on Etna, Italy

Lava cave on Etna, Italy

Blue Hole, Belize

Blue Hole, Belize

Fingal's Cave, Scotland

Fingal's Cave, Scotland

Frasassi cave, Italy

Frasassi cave, Italy

Caves of Cala Luna, Italy

Caves of Cala Luna, Italy

Cuevas de Mármol, Chile

Cuevas de Mármol, Chile

Sea caves on Lake Superior, Wisconsin, U

Sea caves on Lake Superior, Wisconsin, U

Benagil cave, Portugal

Benagil cave, Portugal

There are many mechanisms leading to the formation of cavities and voids underground. Some caves are classified as “primary” because they are generated at the same time as the rocks containing them, others instead form subsequently, due to rock weathering that modify their original characteristics.