Halley's Comet heads for Earth: next encounter in 2061

13 May 2024
1 min read
13 May 2024
1 min read

The famous Halley's comet, known for its close passes by the Earth every 76 years or so, has begun its journey back towards our planet. After reaching its farthest point from the Sun (aphelion) on 9 December 2023, the comet embarked on its return trajectory, which will lead it to cross the Earth's orbit in 2061. Although the next close encounter is still a long way off, the return of Halley's comet is a highly anticipated astronomical event. Its luminous coma and long tail have been observed and admired by humans for centuries, offering a breathtaking view that has inspired myths and legends in various cultures. The next passage of Halley's Comet should be more favourable for observation than the last one, which took place in 1986. Simulations suggest that the comet will be on the same side of the Earth as the Sun, increasing its visibility in the night sky.

Here is some interesting information on Halley's Comet:

Orbital period: around 76 years

Next Earth close approach date: 28 July 2061

Magnitude, i.e. brightness, estimated during the next approach: about -3, which will make it clearly visible to the naked eye

In the meantime, here are some resources where you can learn more about Halley's comet:

For the NASA website click HERE.