Today, 25 April, is World Penguin Day, an occasion to raise awareness on and promote the protection of the Earth’s 18 penguin species. It is also the date that the Adélie penguins (the species most widespread in Antarctica) begin their annual migration northward in search of better access to food during the Antarctic winter. The areas where penguins can be found are all in the Southern Hemisphere: Antarctica, New Zealand, Southern Africa, South America, Australia. Only one species, the Galapagos penguin, is common close to the equator. Penguins are at risk due to pollution, food shortages caused by overfishing, and climate change. Unfortunately, not all penguin species have an acceptable conservation status, while others are considered relatively safe for the foreseeable future. It is therefore essential to protect these animals, unique in many ways, which have been present on our planet for more than 60 million years.