European Sustainable Energy Week

25 October 2021
1 min read
25 October 2021
1 min read

he 16th European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) begins today until 29 October. It is an opportunity to debate renewable energy and the efficient and sustainable use of energy in Europe, learn about successful policies and inspire innovation to achieve the EU’s energy and climate goals. The event will bring together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers over several days to discuss the most urgent energy challenges.

Held for the first time in 2006, the European Sustainable Energy Week returns in 2021 with an emblematic theme: “Towards 2030: Reshaping Europe’s energy future”. The event will include a 3-day virtual policy conference, the EUSEW Awards, the second European Youth Energy Day, as well as ambassador debates and networking opportunities. The whole of society is called upon to get involved and help the EU reach its targets. And EUSEW will try to create the right terrain for such involvement.